Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Carbs are not the Enemy


How many times have you heard your friends talking about low carb or no carb diets? Loads I'm sure and they get excellent results....or do they?

A carb free diet can give great results; as the body needs fuel in the form of carbs and if carbs are removed the body uses its own reserves as fuel.

The first thing that body 'eats' is muscle mass, not fat, so if you are trying to achieve a toned or muscular physique a carb free diet is not the way to go. The body will work on your fat reserves but your muscle will suffer more.

The results of a carb free or low carb diet are short lived, as soon as you give your body carbs back, it will take them back and store the carbs as fat reserves, why?
Because our bodies have centuries of genetic programming and if a body is starved of vital fuel it will go into self protection mode and as soon as it recieves what it needs it will store it as fat for the next 'famine'.

So, what is the answer? A balanced diet with a portion of lean protein, vegetables and complex carbs in every meal.

Complex carbs include:
brown rice
brown pasta
brown bread
rye crackers
whole grain cereals

Simple carbs should be avoided at all costs to ensure steady and healthy weight loss.

Simple carbs include:
white bread
white rice
white pasta

So, ditch the fad diets and embrace a healthy and varied diet, your body will thank you for it.

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Saturday, 13 June 2009

Easy Home Workout

Exercise doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. It can be easily incorporated into your every day life. Just begin by doing 30 minutes of light walking or running 3 times a week and slowly add resistance training. Try walking the kids to school or work, take them for a walk or a run around the park after dinner or go to a family swimming session once a week. Follow this simple plan and see if you can get results.

Cardiovascular workouts raise your heart rate and really get the blood and sweat flowing. After 20 minutes of cardio your body starts to burn fat. By ensuring that you do 2 hours or more a week you are helping your body to burn fat and improving your lung capacity, heart health and bone density.

Cardio includes- walking, running, rowing, cycling, skipping, dancing, swimming, aerobic classes and rowing.

Upper body workout-

Arm Extensions- 4 sets of 12 reps. Stand with your feet hip width apart or sit on a balance ball with your back straight and your stomach muscles clenched. Slowly raise your arm straight out in from of you until your arm is level with your shoulder, return to start position. Repeat this exercise but take your arms out to the side. You can use a bottle of water or tin of beans initially and as you become stronger you may want to invest in a set of weights.

Bicep Curl- 4 sets of 12 reps. Stand with your feet hip width apart or sit on a balance ball with your back straight and your stomach muscles clenched. With your arms at your sides slowly curl your arm up to your shoulder and return to start position. You can use a bottle of water or tin of beans initially and as you become stronger you may want to invest in a set of weights.

Tricep Extension- 4 sets of 12 reps. Stand with your feet hip width apart or sit on a balance ball with your back straight and your stomach muscles clenched. Lift your arm into the air, bend at the elbow and extend arm into the air.

Lower Body Workout-

Squats- 4 sets of 12 reps. Stand with your feet hip width apart, begin with a low weight or can or bottle of water, slowly bend your knees until your butt is about 1 foot of the ground and slowly return to the start position. Increase weights as your strength and confidence increases.

Lunges- 4 sets of 12 reps. Stand with your feet hip width apart, begin with a low weight or can or bottle of water, take a step forward and bend your legs until you are low to the floor but not touching, slowly return and repeat on each leg. Increase weights as your strength and confidence increases.

Planks- Lie on your front with your elbows and forearms on the floor, come up onto your tip toes and pull in your stomach muscle and clench your buttocks. Keep your body and buttocks straight and in perfect line (like a plank).

You can use food cans or bottles of water as weights; you don’t have to spend any money on getting fit in your own home. As your confidence and strength improves you can use larger, heavier items.

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Hints & Tips to a Healthier You

1) Cut out all fizzy drinks- including diet drinks.

2) Drink plenty of water- don't confuse thirst for hunger, try a glass of water wait 30 minutes and if you're still hungry pick a low fat snack.

3) Eat breakfast-this will start your metabolism and get your body burning fat and calories as soon as your day begins.

4) Eat fruit and veg in abundance, it's fat free and will do your body and skin a great favour.

5) Look out for saturated fats in food- this is the stuff that clogs up your body and makes you fat.

6) Swap white pasta and bread for wholemeal-the fibre will do your digestion lots of good and the slow release energy will make you feel fuller for longer.

7) Cut out alcohol-it is loaded with sugars which if not used up are stored in your body as fat.

8) Cut out mayonnaise and other creamy sauces and dressings-even the low fat versions are packed with fat and calories.

9) Make your meals from scratch- ready made micro meals are packed with sugar, salt and fat which lead to bloating and weight gain.

10) Make small changes which are achievable-a change a week to your lifestyle won't be too traumatic and easier to stick to.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Weight Loss Diet Plan


Breakfast: 1 boiled egg on 1 slice of wholemeal toast, 1 glass of pure orange juice

Lunch: Tuna Salad, without dressing. Up to 2 pieces of fruit.

Dinner: Grilled chicken breast with boiled seasonal veggies and 1/4 cup of brown rice.

Snacks: Unlimited water, Fruit, Turkey slices.


Breakfast: 30grams of whole grain cereal with skimmed milk, 1 glass of pure juice

Lunch: Turkey on 2 slices of wholemeal bread with salad. Virtually fat free yoghurt

Dinner: Vegetable ratatouille with wholemeal pasta

Snacks: Unlimited water. Fruit. Turkey slices


Breakfast: Scrambled egg on wholemeal toast

Lunch: Jacket potato with beans or virtually fat free cottage cheese.

Dinner: Grilled lean steak with salad.

Snacks: Unlimited water. Yoghurt. Fruit.


Breakfast: 3 crumpets with low fat spread

Lunch: Sushi or prawn salad.

Dinner: Home-made vegetable soup with wholemeal pasta pieces or bread

Snacks: Unlimited water. Fruit. Treat size chocolate bar.


Breakfast: 1 poached egg on wholemeal toast

Lunch: Left over soup.

Dinner: Baked cod with garlic & chillies and steamed vegetables

Snacks: Unlimited water. Fruit. Diet drinks if taking in alcohol. Snack a Jacks or rice crackers.


Breakfast: Fruit smoothie and 1 wholemeal bagel with low fat cream cheese.

Lunch: Turkey or tuna sandwich on wholemeal bread with salad.

Dinner: Treat dinner of your choice

Snacks: Unlimited water. Fruit. Diet drinks if taking in alcohol.


Breakfast: 2 slices of grilled bacon with all fat removed on wholemeal bread.

Lunch: Roasted meat with boiled seasonal veg, drizzle of gravy

Dinner: Left over meat salad

Snacks: Unlimited water. Fruit. Yoghurt. Treat size chocolate bar

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Monday, 8 June 2009

Break the Fat Habit

You can have the body of your dreams!

What if I told you that you could have the body of your dreams, by making small changes to your diet and lifestyle?

This is not a fad diet or a quick fix; this is a body and mind change, which will leave you feeling healthy and confident for years to come.

I have made these changes to my lifestyle and have seen my body mass index drop from 25% to 17%. I feel healthier, sexier and more confident than ever before!

So, you’re asking what’s the catch?

There is no catch because there is no quick fix or miracle cure to weight loss and vitality, just small changes to your exercise and diet.

I hear so many people say I can’t live without or I love chocolate, candy, wine, beer, chips, burgers, French fries…the list goes on and on.

You DO NOT love these foods; your mind loves the endorphins which are released as a result of eating these foods. Regular exercise also releases these endorphins and you'll soon become hooked on these.

And after you’ve eaten these foods? You feel depressed, regretful and ashamed that you haven’t reached your goals.

This stops today.

Muscle is your friend.

The more muscle mass a body has the more efficient it is at burning fat and calories which you consume-this is because a muscle needs a lot of energy to grow and be maintained. Whereas a fat cell? They just grow larger and larger.

If you combine weight training with regular cardiovascular workouts and a well balance, protein rich diet you can have the body of your dreams.

Sign up to my blog to recieve free advice and tips on how to get the body of your dreams!

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