Saturday, 13 June 2009

Hints & Tips to a Healthier You

1) Cut out all fizzy drinks- including diet drinks.

2) Drink plenty of water- don't confuse thirst for hunger, try a glass of water wait 30 minutes and if you're still hungry pick a low fat snack.

3) Eat breakfast-this will start your metabolism and get your body burning fat and calories as soon as your day begins.

4) Eat fruit and veg in abundance, it's fat free and will do your body and skin a great favour.

5) Look out for saturated fats in food- this is the stuff that clogs up your body and makes you fat.

6) Swap white pasta and bread for wholemeal-the fibre will do your digestion lots of good and the slow release energy will make you feel fuller for longer.

7) Cut out alcohol-it is loaded with sugars which if not used up are stored in your body as fat.

8) Cut out mayonnaise and other creamy sauces and dressings-even the low fat versions are packed with fat and calories.

9) Make your meals from scratch- ready made micro meals are packed with sugar, salt and fat which lead to bloating and weight gain.

10) Make small changes which are achievable-a change a week to your lifestyle won't be too traumatic and easier to stick to.

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